MATIF Wheat No. 2 (Paris, FR) Prices

Price quotation Euro and euro cents per ton
Kontraktgröße / Contract Unit
Fifty tons

Historical closing prices


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On the grain markets, the green signs prevailed on Friday and led to moderate gains. The buying mood was supported above all by the latest weather forecasts. In the USA, a heat wave is expected in large parts of the country. This could pose a particular threat to spring wheat in North America. According to the USDA, 12…


Wheat contracts on the CBoT were unable to escape the bears after mixed trading and slipped into the red shortly before the weekend. The losses were curbed by the solid export figures published by the USDA yesterday. Last week, around 578,500 tons were confirmed and just under 630,900 tons were shipped. Prices were put…


US corn was able to end Wednesday trading yesterday with slight gains in the slipstream of wheat contracts, even though the mood was described as depressed by market participants. The current good weather forecasts in particular could give the bulls the lead again. Due to the recent rainfall, growing conditions…


On the grain exchanges, wheat prices in Chicago remained under pressure. Following the price correction on Friday and Monday, wheat contracts recorded slight losses. Bearish impulses came from the latest USDA report on the US harvest. According to the experts, around 71% of stocks have been harvested so far, which…


On the cash market in Germany, market participants are currently focusing primarily on the ongoing harvest work. Barley in particular is already being threshed in many regions, even though the changeable weather is repeatedly interrupting work in the fields. Harvest results so far have been very mixed and are currently…

ZMP Market assessment

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  • Global supply situation remains tighter than in previous years
  • Low harvests in Russia, Ukraine and the EU-27
  • High wheat harvests in North America
  • Russian wheat exports remain a price pressure factor
ZMP Market Report Compact

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18 Jul.2024: IGC updates world grain estimate at slightly higher production/consumption level, but reduced supply situation In its latest July 24 estimate, the International Grains Council (IGC) has increased global grain production by +0.3% to 2,321 million tons. Global consumption is expected to increase slightly less strongly to 2,324 million…


DRV cuts 2024 harvest estimate below 42 million tons In its 5th estimate, the German Raiffeisen Association (DRV) has cut the German grain harvest to 41.5 million tons. This is -2.7% below the previous year and -3.9% below the 5-year average. The main reason for this is the established and foreseeable yield losses due to unfavorable weather…


July 2024: USDA estimates world grain production and consumption higher in 2024/25, but stocks lower In its latest July issue, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) slightly increased the global grain harvest in 2024/25 compared to the previous month's estimate. Compared to the previous year, the rates of increase in production and consumption…


Jul. 2024: FAO updates world grain supply. In its latest July issue, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has updated its estimate of the world grain supply for 2024-25. The production and consumption figures were slightly increased compared to the previous month's estimate. Grain production (excluding rice) in 2024/25…


Weather-related adverse effects on Russian grain production in 2024 Grain production in Russia in 2024 will be significantly lower due to various unusual weather conditions. This will result in a significant loss of exports for the global supply, with corresponding consequences for pricing. The main growing regions of the southern and Volga…


EU COM estimates higher EU harvest for 2024 - more barley, less wheat In its monthly June edition, the EU Commission estimates the total EU grain harvest at around 275 million tons (previous year: 270 million tons). Domestic consumption is estimated to be slightly higher at 257 million tons. Almost 48 million tons are forecast for export, of which…

Press review

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Lauren Meier of Bondurant and Kirby Cook of Winthrop are spending their summers interning with the Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA). Both are Iowa State University students interested in a career in agriculture. However, their family backgrounds are quite a...


Addison Randall is the newest member of the Iowa Pork Producers Association team. She was hired to fill the Program and Events Manager vacancy after Brielle Smeby’s promotion to Producer Outreach Director. Randall graduated from Iowa State University in May...


Addison Randall is the newest member of the Iowa Pork Producers Association team. She was hired to fill the Program and Events Manager vacancy after Brielle Smeby’s promotion to Producer Outreach Director. Randall graduated from Iowa State University in May...


Manitoba Agriculture reports the past week saw warmer temperatures which helped advance crop growth along with variable amounts of rainfall and hail in some regions.Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly crop report Tuesday.

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Denominierung / Currency
Euro (€)
Minimale Preisveränderung / Minimum Price Fluctuation
25 euro cents per ton (€12.50)
Fälligkeiten / Maturities
September, December, March, May such that 12 delivery months are available for trading.
Handelszeiten / Trading Hours

10:45 - 18:30 CET

Letzter Handelstag / Last trading day
18:30 on the tenth calendar day of the delivery month (if not a business day, then the following business day)
Erfüllung / Settlement
In an approved silo in Dunkirk, La Pallice, Montoir, Nantes or Rouen (France)
Schlussabrechnungspreis / Final Settlement Price
EDSP (Exchange Delivery Settlement Price) as a physically delivered contract (please refer to the technical specifications)
Stand / Last updated

Further specifications

Origins tenderable

European Union


Sound, fair and merchantable quality of;

- the following minimum specifications:

  • Hagberg falling number: 220 seconds
  • Protein content: 11% dry matter
  • Specific weight: 76 kg/hl and

- the following basis specifications:

  • Moisture content: 15%
  • Broken grains: 4%
  • Impurities: 2%

Discounts apply to reflect any difference between the delivered and standard quality, in accordance with Incograin No.23 and the Technical Addendum No.2. Please also refer to the rules and regulation below for more details. 
Mycotoxins not to exceed, at the time of delivery, the maximum levels specified under EU legislation in force with respect to unprocessed cereals intended for use in food products.

Introduction of new expiry months First trading day following the last trading day.
Wholesale services Against Actuals, Exchange for Swaps
Euronext market Paris

MATIF Wheat spot / futures market prices & news

Futures are available on a whole range of different underlying assets, such as wheat. It is important to note that all futures are traded on futures exchanges. The exchange determines exactly what a futures contract looks like.

It should be noted that virtually all futures contracts are not physically delivered, but are generally settled by trading the offsetting position before the contract expires. Most traders only use futures to hedge the prices they pay or receive on the local market at world market prices and are not interested in physical delivery at the location specified by the exchange.

Wheat is one of the oldest cultivated plants known to mankind. 
In Europe, the first types of wheat, einkorn and emmer, were cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Grain could be stored well and helped people through the barren winter months.

More and more wheat is being cultivated worldwide - in 2020, over 760 million tons were grown. This makes wheat the second most widely cultivated grain after maize. Russia, the USA, Canada, France and Ukraine are the largest exporters. Depending on the region, wheat is used as animal feed or as a staple food, with the share of animal feed predominating overall.

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