ZMP Live+ Features & Pricing

ZMP offers up-to-the-minute data and instant information from the agricultural markets. We also provide real-time data on our website and on the ZMP Market Watch app. ZMP News analyzes this data and compares it with the physical markets. Forecasts and informative graphics show you what is currently happening on the agricultural markets. With the various subscriptions from Basic to Gold, you can choose how comprehensive and in-depth the information should be. In addition to the subscriptions, ZMP offers widgets, individual services and technical solutions for your website. We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the ZMP Community.

ZMP Live+ benefits

Current market prices and market data available at all times.


Prices and market data in real time


Check facts and decide


Find the optimal time for buying & selling immediately
Try it now without risk!

Permanently free of charge. No payment information required. Including 14 days ZMP Live+ Trial!

Trial period ends automatically.

Packages in comparison:

ZMP Live Free ZMP Live+ Basic ZMP Live+ Bronze ZMP Live+ Silber ZMP Live+ Gold
Delayed market prices & charts from Euronext (MATIF) and EEX
Current prices & charts from the agricultural futures exchanges (delayed)
Real-time quotes from Euronext (MATIF)
Access to real-time / real-time futures prices from the agricultural futures exchanges
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ZMP Market Watch App
Whether real-time or compact - everything also on your smartphone. Incl. real-time prices
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Default dashboard (frontpage)
The most important information on a preconfigured "Dashboard" frontpage
Personal dashboard
"My Dashboard" - your customizable overview page with portlets
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Market overviews
Preconfigured overviews of the respective markets at a glance
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Market news
News from the markets at a glance
ZMP Newsticker
Daily news from the agricultural sector
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ZMP market assessments
Current spot market prices and forecasts by experts
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ZMP press review
Current press reviews on the agricultural sector
ZMP Market Report compact
Current market reports in a nutshell for you
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ZMP Forums
Exchange in the financial forum Terminmarktwelt (TMW) & ZMP-Agrarforum (formerly RMX Forum)
Hedging prices incl. feed - also available as app
Book add-on
ZMP chartbook classics, enter your own stock market curves and stops in the chart
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Annual subscription*
You save ~20 % compared to the quarterly subscription!
Monthly price plus VAT.
€ 0,00 € 15,00 € 24,00 € 38,00 € 60,00
Quarterly subscription**
Monthly price plus VAT.
€ 0,00 € 18,00 € 30,00 € 46,00 € 68,00
Try for free now! Try for free now! Try for free now! Try for free now! Try for free now!

* Annual subscription: Can be cancelled 30 days before the subscription expires, automatic renewal for a further 12 months at the regular list price
** Quarterly subscription: Can be cancelled 30 days before the end of the subscription, automatic renewal for a further 3 months at the regular list price


Here you will soon find exciting add-ons for your ZMP Live+ subscription - for even more information advantage!

Try it now without risk!

Permanently free of charge. No payment information required. Including 14 days ZMP Live+ Trial!

Trial period ends automatically.

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